
Article 11759

Water Fuel Cell Technology

From: hhocarshop@yahoo.com
Date: 12 Apr 2014
Time: 16:33:54
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"Use Tap water to increase Mileage of your vehicle (20% - 40%) and reduce Pollution. Can be used for Welding, Heating Water, Power Generator and all engines. Opportunity available for partnerships or technology transfer. Complete Kits ready to install for variour applications like Automobiles, Power Generating Sets, Welding Torch, Domestic Heating. Proven Technology ready for deployment. "

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From: txwxkgii
Category: Strategy
Date: 08 Aug 2013
Time: 05:25:44
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From: brewdearf
Category: Strategy
Date: 29 Mar 2013
Time: 13:19:41
Remote Name: hst-127-28-59-212.ist.lt


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Date: 03 Oct 2012
Time: 04:21:08
Remote Name: 71-218-143-82.hlrn.qwest.net


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Category: Strategy
Date: 21 Jul 2011
Time: 18:20:05
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